Brady Garrison

I received my first taste of Yoga thanks to my grandma.
I must’ve been around 6 years old. We would lay out our mats (really just carpet samples), and follow along with the ‘Yoga Lady’ on Public Television.
Years later, while in massage school, I was reintroduced to Yoga and I was hooked. I maintained a dedicated personal practice for years, eventually enrolling in the Teacher Training Program at the Southwest Institute of the Healing Arts, where I received my 200 hour Teaching Certificate in the summer of 2012.
I have since earned my 500 hour Teaching Certificate from Dave’s Astanga Authentic Yoga Teacher Training. In addition, I hold a Yin Yoga Certificate thru training received from Bernie Clark in Vancouver, BC.
While I initially thought I enrolled in Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) to deepen my own practice, I soon realized that what I really wanted was to share my passion for Yoga.
I wanted to teach!…And I DO!!!
I am very fortunate and happy to be teaching a variety of Yoga classes at several different studios in the Phoenix area.
The classes I teach are designed and delivered as authentically as I can deliver them. In my own voice, from an honest place. There is usually an element of fun and playfulness, and they are built around my own personal philosophies that Less is More, and Simple is Good.
I am so thankful that I found this amazing Science and Art called Yoga. And that I get to share it with a fantastic, growing, Yoga Community!
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