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10 Benefits of Yoga Teacher Training

by | Nov 12, 2019 | Teacher Training, Yoga

Find your voice and see your purpose clearly.

There is no denying that yoga teacher training will change your life.


The benefits of Yoga Teacher Training are vast and it is one of the most powerful ways to learn about who we truly are and why we were put on this earth.  Teacher Training will have a personal impact on anyone who decides to embark on this journey. 

Below are just 10 benefits of taking Yoga Teacher Training with us, but the blessings are endless.

  1. A roadmap for life – Yoga means to yoke or to join.  It is the unification of the body, mind and spirit. This ancient healing art is a comprehensive guide to a life well lived.  Through this training you will gain greater understanding of your purpose in life and your place in the world. You will learn about the power of devotion, and how this one simple principle can affect every area of your life.
  2. Deepen your own practice and connection to yoga. – The best way to learn about the power of yoga and what yoga means to you, is to practice consistently.  In this teacher training you will be taught techniques that are not as accessible by taking a regular class. As your training progresses, you will notice your body and your mind-body connection becoming stronger. During this course you will be required to attend a minimum of 20 classes in addition to your 200 hours of training and self study. This structure will help cultivate and support a consistency in your practice that will be invaluable no matter where this training takes you.
  3. Change your lens. We all come to our mat with a set of conditions and patterns on how we view the world.  Practicing yoga tends to change our view and our place in the world giving us a more expansive and compassionate view of humanity.  Teacher Training will accelerate this process. Regardless if you ever teach a yoga class, you will become a teacher and begin to impact all those around you and those you whom you share your life with.
  4. Connection with Self – We all have within us a divine Self.  A Self that is infinite and all knowing Self.  Each time you practice yoga you are connecting to that sacred part of you.  The more you learn the meaning behind this and how it impacts our life, the easier it is to integrate yoga into our life.  Yoga becomes more devotion and less discipline. In this Yoga Teacher Training you will learn what this energy is made of, where it is located and why you must learn to access it for a healthy, happy and blessed life.
  5. Integration– We have intentionally created this YTT course over a six month period for many reasons. Most importantly, so that you can integrate all that you are going to learn into your life right now.  If you are looking for deep and lasting transformation then this is the course for you. Every week and month you will be practicing, studying and teaching what you are learning as you are living your life.  I cannot stress the importance and power of this enough. You won’t have to figure out how your knew knowledge is going to “fit into” your life. It will be a seamless transition.
  6. The art of expression – By learning, the techniques and how to teach them, you will learn to communicate better with others in a more effective way. This communication will help you to express your thoughts and feelings more completely in other areas of your life as well.  One crucial part of communication is effective listening. To be a great teacher you must be a great listener.
  7. Life long friendships – You will be taking this course with like minded folks who are interested in learning how to live a healthy and happy life and help others do the same.  The friendships made in Yoga Teacher Training are unique. You will be going through deep transformation together and your fellow Teacher Trainers will be an invaluable support.
  8. Feel accomplished – Compare yourself to yourself. During this 200-hour yoga teacher training, you will fail and fall and try again. This training will teach you the art of picking yourself up and continuing on. Upon reflection of this course, you will feel accomplished and proud for all you have learned and the effort you put forth.
  9. Discover your inner strength – By attending this 200-hour yoga teacher training you will not only improve your ability to hold the postures, focus, and concentration, you will become both physically and mentally stronger as well.  This rigorous and demanding training you will give you a new resolve and freedom in solving problems that come your way.  Life will feel less intimidating and more exhilarating!
  10. A new beginning – With this new knowledge under your belt will come new opportunities whether or not you ever intend to teach yoga classes, workshops or retreats.  You will be a certified yoga teacher, have a renewed sense of purpose and you will be inspired by a whole new perspective on life.  

Teaching yoga is an incredibly fulfilling endeavor.  You bear witness to profound breakthroughs, the healing of relationships and transformation of beautiful souls. 

There is no higher privilege in this world than to be of service to another human being.

Sign up for Yoga Teacher Training at Ironwood and begin the most exciting transformation of your life!  Learn more about the training and teachers here!


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